Portfolio Guidelines - Professional Member
Portfolio Content
Applicants are to submit documentation relating to a minimum of 3 projects which demonstrate the typical range of professional work undertaken by them. The landscape projects submitted must have been substantively designed and drafted by the applicant. Further relevant documents can be provided to support the application.
Portfolios of a high standard are expected. They will be reviewed for attention to detail, adherence to accepted drawing conventions, graphic presentation, appropriate use of plants, level understanding, and suitability of landscape elements/structures.
Documents submitted are to demonstrate the Design Intent and must include a:
Design Intent/Concept Plan
Planting Plan (including Planting Schedule and Planting Notes).
Each complete design package submitted is to demonstrate competence in:
Layout Configuration
Planting Selection
Materials Selection
Levels, Grading & Drainage consideration
Assessment Criteria
Landscape designs submitted will be assessed on the following criteria:
1. Presentation
- Is the documentation clear, legible and easy to understand?
- Is the overall documentation presentation (labelling, keys, legends) of a professional standard appropriate to industry level?
- Does the planting plan show all plants at an appropriate size (generally 90-100% of their mature size for the understorey and 75-100% for trees) with plants labelled and quantities shown?
- Is there a clear and logical symbology for displaying plant locations and quantities, and does the plant schedule also clearly reflect that symbology or plant code, plus mature size and pot sizes?
- Is there differentiation between existing and proposed trees?
2. Design and Spatial Layout
- Does the design incorporate design elements such as enclosure, scale, mass and void, light and shade?
- Have plants been chosen, spaced and combined intelligently with reference to the location, design intent and mature size?
- Have site conditions been addressed (shade, existing trees, slope, soil type etc)?
- Is there clear delineation between existing and proposed levels?
3. Technical Requirements
Do graphics meet Australian standards (AS1100) and a high industry standard?
Are correct botanical names and nomenclature used?
Is there a title block and north point?
Does each plan specify the scale and include a scale bar/scale?
Do the documents provide clarity on what is being proposed so that contractor/s are able to provide unambiguous comparable quotations?
Have standard details/documents been altered to be specific to this project?
Do they comply with relevant standards and codes?